Builders Taree

House to Home Builders Taree.

We can plan, manage and execute the renovation of your existing home or the knock down and rebuild of your new home. No matter how big or small – whether it’s the construction of a deck to enjoy the outdoors, an addition or extension to create more space, or a total redesign – we’ve got it covered. All our trades are local, licensed and insured and take pride in providing quality service. We always work with the same team of tradespeople and have built an effective and cohesive team that can tackle any project with ease. Every project is overseen and managed on a daily basis personally by licensed builder and House to Home owner, Mark O’Neill. Contact Mark for advice or to book a free onsite meeting at your Taree home or holiday property to discuss your renovation ideas.

Extensive remedial building works and renovation

Major remedial building works to a home that was slipping down the hill.